How to search for 3 names using dtsearch
How to search for 3 names using dtsearch

how to search for 3 names using dtsearch

Hopefully more people will be able to use and extend hOOt instead of as it is much easier to understand and change.

how to search for 3 names using dtsearch

One of the reasons for creating hOOt was for implementing full text search on string columns in RaptorDB - the document store version. hOOt is much simpler, smaller and faster than. What amazes me is that nobody has rewritten it from scratch. net optimized version, the fact of the matter is that it is not easy to do with that code base. While some people are trying to create a more. Why Another Full Text Indexer? I was always fascinated by how Google searches in general and l ucene indexing technique and its internal algorithms, but it was just too difficult to follow and anyone who has worked with will attest that it is a complicated and convoluted piece of code. hOOt only implements the first part in this version, as most of use and need the existence more in our applications than relevence, especially for database applications.

how to search for 3 names using dtsearch

The first part is easy, the second part is difficult and there is much contention as to the ranking formula to use.

how to search for 3 names using dtsearch

  • Relevance : meaning the text blocks returned are delivered by a ranking system which sorts the most relevant first.
  • Existence : means finding words that exist in the many blocks of texts stored (e.g.
  • There are 2 aspects to full text indexers / searchers : What is full text searching? Full text searching is the process of searching for words in a block of text. The name came from the famous Google search footer and while looking for owl logos (gooooogle ~ hOOOOOOOt ).
  • IFilter without COM by Eyal Post found here ( ) for the sample applicationīased on the response and reaction of users to this project, I will upgrade and enhance hOOt to full feature compatibility with, so show your love.
  • MurMur2 hash index and storage file from RaptorDB found here ( RaptorDB.aspx).
  • mini Log4net replacement found here ( ).
  • WAH compressed BitArray found here ( WAHBitArray.aspx).
  • hOOt is part of my upcoming RaptorDB document store database, and was so successful that I decided to release it as a separate entity in the meantime. To circumvent this I have created this project which does the same job, is smaller, simpler and faster. net version of lucene is not maintained, and many unsupported ports of the original exists. Many people have complained in the past why the. Most people are familiar with an Apache project by the name of which is a port of the original java version. net built from scratch using an inverted WAH bitmap index. HOOt is a extremely small size and fast embedded full text search engine for.

    How to search for 3 names using dtsearch